Richard Doust: Your Multilingual Speaking Flow Confidence Coach

Richard isn’t just a coach; he’s a gateway to elevating your English-speaking abilities. Originally from the UK and now thriving in France, Richard’s multilingual prowess spans English, French and German, with proficiency in Italian and Russian. His unique background as an actor infuses his coaching with powerful insights into presentation and stage charisma.

Tailored International Coaching

With over a decade of experience in Europe and the USA, Richard excels in coaching leaders engaging in international settings. His comprehensive approach enhances not only your language skills but also your body language and overall expressiveness.

A Unique Approach

This programme takes  a holistic approach to communication. It’s not just about the words you say, but how you say them—your tone, your gestures, and even the pauses in between. Whether you’re a native English speaker or not, this program helps you shed any feelings of inadequacy, shame, or even humiliation you might be harbouring, allowing you to communicate with authenticity and confidence.

Unlock Your Dynamic English-Speaking Personality

The focus is mostly not about speaking better English, but about speaking better IN English. The goal is to enhance your leadership persona so that your voice can resonate on a global stage

Who’s This For?

  • Leaders operating on international stages but who are struggling to express themselves effectively and confidently.

  • Individuals who want to overcome language or confidence barriers

  • Teams aiming to boost communication skills and stage presence

Your voice is your superpower. It’s time the world hears what you have to say.

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